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I am  c satya srinivas,an engineering student studying my second year in  a college affilated to JNTU University,Hyderabad.My passion for Indian culture and the interest in its past encouraged me to design this web site.

This web site is a product of my hard work for nearly one year and i have  plans to improve this web site extensively.

First I should a say you about a great man(atleast according to me) who have encouraged me in every part of my life and has encouraged me when I said him about putting this site on the web.He is my father Mr.C Seshagiri a finance manager and also a bussiness man.He has encouraged me from my very childhood and he is main person who have guided me in my academics also.This is reason why I here by declare that THIS SITE  IS DEDICATED TO MY FATHER.

There are many friends of mine who have helped me in this venture and periodically encouraged me to add more of information to this site.I am putting in this column some of my friend's names and their home pages so that you all can know more about them and can visit their other sites.Some of my  friends who have contributed for this directly or indirectly are as follows :

1) KARTHIK ABHIRAM : He is one my friends who have contributed to this site. He is the person who have guided me well during the time of construction of this site. He has personal experience designing some sites which can put in an category of "excellent" putting in mind his age and knowledge he has got through mare hardwork. Basically his designing of his first site which deals about the game blood encouraged me.You can find more information about him and can know  about his web designing skills in his home page . This site has hyperlinks to his other sites which deserve a look. I recommend you all to visit this site.


And atlast I apologise to my friends as it took a long time for me to complete this website and they had to wait all this time to see the final form of this site.I did my best to make the site attractive putting all my web designing skills in effect in this site.As this is my first website any   mistakes in this site should be forgiven.I promise that I will do my best in future too to make this site more informative and I will try to put all my  skills in this site to make this site user interactive and user friendly.

I will be designing my home page very soon and you all can know about me and my personal life from this site.I will put a column then to connect you all these sites and all other sites which i am planning to design.

The site intially may be not with full information but will be soon updated to make it more informative. I plan to launch the sites i have planned and go on updating it.The site i have launched first   about indian leaders . I plan to give all the sites a physical shape before putting all the things required in that.The sites i have launched may not be intially inforamtive as expected but i am sure that i will make it soon.

My other site will be launched soon will be more infomative and interesting as i have made links like "Teen corner" which contains fun stuff and other things will improve the knowledge of the reader and they even feel relaxed too.They can find information about actors and acctress and their addresses also. The picture gallery there will be a rare collection as they are collected with utmost pains.Keep waiting for the launch of the site and i am sure i will launch it soon without maiking you wait for a long time.

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                                                You can mail me at

About this site :
Friends franckly saying the skills you are seeing in this site of mine are not to my full because in this site i could not use front page to the full extent as there were problems using it.As you have seen i didnot  use any frames out there to design this site just because there was a problem with my Front Page.I will soon look into this problem but i cannot say that this will be modified when the problem is rectified because it will be difficult to redesign thsi site then.I will be using frames in the coming sites.

About my upcoming sites :

Friends the site you are seeing mow is just a site which i made to aide my other site which is quite good in my view as it covers all the things.The name of that site is This site covers all the things that are to be discussed about india.In this site too i may not use frames as i already half designed.This site which is to be launched will be a huge one.Will be believe that this site was built just to aide just one link in that site.It is quite more interesting than this site because it has section named "Teens Corner" which will not only aim at giving entertainment but also knowledge.

But you all should wait for sometime to see that site as many sections in that still under construction.It will take sometime for me to construct that.

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                                                                            Copy Right reserved  @satya srinivas web designs

Any attempt to copy or use the matter in this web site without the permission of the owner of this web site c satya srinivas

                                                                                       willl be considered  a crime